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The REAL Yorkshire Ripper
The Yorkshire Ripper
website updated on:
The West Yorkshire Police proved beyond all doubt that Sutcliffe was NOT
the Yorkshire Ripper, so who is the REAL Yorkshire Ripper?.
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Peter Sutcliffe was the Copy-Cat Ripper, responsible for only four of the thirteen murders which he 'confessed' to. He had been eliminated twelve times by the police because he was blood group O... the Ripper was known to be blood group B.

The police knew that two men were involved in the bizarre series of murders, but tactical blunders made it expedient to make a deal with the Copy-Cat killer, who was offered ten years in a luxury mental home for his 'confessions' to everything, by a police force desperate to close the file.

After all these years, the Real Ripper, far from being a hoaxer who wrote mockingly to the police in order to implicate the Copy-Cat, is still free in the U.K.



Sample of RTE Interview with Noel O'Gara and John Sutcliffe

Noel O'Gara, the author of this website, had an insight into the Ripper investigation from none other than the Yorkshire Ripper himself.

This insight has enabled him to piece together the police handling of the investigation and their framing of the mentally-disturbed Peter Sutcliffe.

Police reluctance to look at their mistakes left the author no avenue other than to record the story of the Yorkshire Ripper and name the real killer, who is still at large.


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All content © 2000 - 2024 Noel O'Gara, all rights reserved. The Yorkshire Ripper website has been rescued for posterity by HistoryX's Free Archive in 2024